It’s a certainty that every one of us will age eventually. We all have those moments that make us feel a little more seasoned or “old.” What was the moment or experience that made you realize you’ve entered the realm of adulthood and maturity or when you realized you were old? Let’s talk about it…
Darwin Walker: “When I go to gym, the young people call me pops.”

Priscilla Sanchez-Hurt: “Wrinkles in my hands. Need to bring white gloves back in style.”

Jerry Rowray: “What I used to do all night….takes me all night to do.”

Valerie Hernandez: “That my once thick hair is now thin, and my once thin body is now thick.”

Chris Castillo: “One day I looked down at my hand.. and saw my momma’s hand.”

Preston Bracy: “Being born a year after they put the last two Stars in the U.S. Flag!”

Jeanette Flores: “Now I can drink with my youngest granddaughter!”

Frances Casales Potter: “Lol that when I am invited to a party instead of asking what I need to wear, I ask what the dessert would be?”

Jason Graham: “When the cashier IDs me they say ‘nine- okay you’re good’”

New Dawn: “When I had grandkids before the age of 40.”

Alex H. Coy III: “College students asking if Paul McCartney used to be in another band and When Senator Ted Kennedy was still alive in the 90’s. I made a reference to President Kennedy in a college class discussion and an irate conservative student ranted that Ted Kennedy was a Senator, had never been president and was too liberal to ever never become president. I had to tell him that Ted had a brother, who was President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated and another brother, Robert who served as Attorney General under his brother and then became Senator of New York and that he was assassinated in 1968 the night he won the California democratic presidential primary. I felt both old and distressed about what college students didn’t know.”

Chris R. Pelayo: “The realization that in 3 months I become eligible for senior citizens discounts. Actually when I got that letter from AARP at 50 was the first. Life just keeps trying to convince me. But it ain’t working.”

Theresa Morales Acuna: “When I received an AARP letter with my name on it, because I was turning 50.”

Mark Lambert: “Medicare!!!”

Stephanie Cervantes:”When our children have grown into adults, and it’s their birthday, LOL!”

Chris Gerhard: “My 40th HS Reunion is this year.”

Karen McFeaters: “Being older than all of my doctors.”

Dolapo Ayi Lowe : “When I preferred to stay home than hang out.”

Iris Lauber: “When my dentist told me he was born in 1994.”

John O’Neill: “When I was granted a senior citizen discount WITHOUT asking for it.”

May Wong: “When I couldn’t get up from the floor.”

Mark Sutton: “When I remembered being younger and thinking people this age were old.”

Debbie Shoaf: “The snap, crackle and pop of my joints.”

Veronica Hull: “I’ll tell you when I get there…. I’m only 80, so give me time to mature and develop.”

Floramante B Molina: “When I sneezed and pulled a muscle.”

Helen Parsons: “Two things remind me that I’m officially old:1.An early bedtime. 2. I get excited when I get a new dish sponge.”

Caroline T. Pemberton: “When my mind was so willing but the body could not!”

Monica Ellis: “When I started saying, ‘back in my day…’ “