I read this today: The “Chancla Culture” has been defined as “the use of oppressive strategies—including corporal punishment, shame, and fear—to manipulate children into behaving,” which causes significant harm to a child’s development. To agree would be to question our traditions. It would mean what we have always believed and practiced, and has always been accepted as normal, is not. Something that is part of our culture; part of who we are and how we got here is now considered not just wrong but harmful. Most of the people I know laugh about it. Is this wrong too? Do you agree that the chancla culture does more damage than good? Let’s talk about it..

Leon Gaytan: “Parenting is hard but our little ones need us to do it with all the wisdom, love, gentleness and strength.We can’t go wrong if we exercise a firm and consistent hand with a soft and loving heart.”

Joshua Garien: “I’ve had Hispanic students in the past joke about la chancla, and I never really understood it until I saw comedy videos on it. They were some of my most well behaved students. Muchas gracias a todas las madres y abuelas.”

Sara Arredondo: “Yes, been a victim of the chancla since about 4 lol! Don’t forget the matamoscas.”

Ester Foster: “Not a victim but a user of the chancla!”

Carolina Roberts: “Never had the chancla, but my Dad started time out back in the 80s. He didn’t know but it wasn’t really a punishment. Then he’d forget and I’d go off after a while.”

Lydia Curran: “If the kid needs it, you know the old saying: spare the rod, spoil the child and some kids are just spoiled brats and don’t know how to act unless you give them a spanking. If they need a spanking, I say give it to them. If they don’t then don’t. Don’t be abusive, just use common sense. Different kids, different situations. That’s what makes the world go round right.”

Janie Saravia: “This is another example of how we over analyze everything. And at times, call the good-bad and bad-good. Yes, that was not a good way to discipline but at least there was some. Psychological damage can come through words. And violence through games, which is prevalent today.”

Cynthia Eugene Bustamante: “I agree it does psychological damage and also it is teaching violence. We all individually have different reactions to certain actions. I’m glad that it was a success in instances where you were spanked. I have seen children from both single and two parent households. Some used physical punishment and some didn’t. Children from every scenario had both the well-behaved and the misbehaved. It’s very hard to be biased.”

Jose Carrasquillo El Padrino: “I don’t know that there is anything wrong with me and our parents who used the chancla. My wife uses the chancla and the broom and all of our kids are respectful and good citizens. None ever was in jail or accused of stealing. So to me, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Naturally, it also depends on how you use the chancla. I work at a school and I see a lot of disrespect in today’s generation. I don’t see anything wrong with me and I have never been in jail or accused of being violent. In fact, my family thinks I’m too soft at times.”

Gregg Alvarez: “My abuelas was like a boomerang and would turn and hit you no matter how hard you tried to get away.”

Manny Santana Montilla: “At this point, get over it. I was affected by it heavily, setting me back until I stopped the self pity and moved forward. I did everything I could to improve on my parents’ approach but unfortunately sometimes you have to save them from themselves at any cost!!! So not perfect but better.”

Mary Svetlik Watkins: “Several districts in Texas have gone back to paddling. Look at our new generation of kids growing up. They need discipline. We are seeing kids shooting up schools today. That didn’t happen when we got spanked.”

Bobby Triana Jr.: “ Kids growing up need discipline. Without it, you’re seeing the results of lack of respect for everyone, even their own parents. I am not saying to beat a kid but to discipline. I came from good and hard parents but I led my own way to self-destruction. Thank God I survived and changed through life’s lessons, the hard ones. It starts at home. It is sad to say mothers are being both parents but they can still raise their children to respect and be good children.”

Jasmine Howard: “Pobrecitos!! That thin chancla sounds like heaven compared to the beating you would get in a black household! Seriously!! Growing up, my brother and I would get beat with a thick leather belt if we ever did something wrong. My mom would tear up my butt so hard, but I was too stubborn to learn the easy way.”

Victor Medina: “The chancla really worked on me. Believe me, all of my brothers and sisters were educated by la chancla, lol. Thanks to la chancla I am the person that I am now. I grew up very straight.”

Alice Rivera: “Yo that’s nothing! We Puerto Rican got the drama with the chancla and the correa! Yeah that’s right, nothing more dramatic than the Correa.”

Carrie Sullivan: “My mom Dawn Erler and grandma Linda Sullivan used to get me with Chancla on a stick when I was little.”

David Beach: “If you are a victim of a chancla, you may be entitled to compensation.”

Farrah Jacques: “My mami was so good with the cinto, she should have gotten a Vegas show!”

Helen Santillan: “I forgot about the Chancla. I can’t stop laughing at the memories running out of the house. I survived and my kids survived. It is a Latina thing.”

Jose Olmos: “The chancha, el cinturón, the wooden spoon. I’ve had them all.”

Christina Cole: “Yesssss, it wasn’t called a chancla in our house but I was definitely a victim of it in my childhood!!”

Randy Martinez: “I’m more scared of la chancla than la llorona.”