Rudy Garza is now the official president and CEO of CPS Energy. He had been running CPS Energy for the last 10 months, taking over for the former president and CEO, Paula Gold-Williams. Garza’s salary will be a flat $665,000 a year on a three-year contract with no incentives or bonus pay. What are your expectations from the new CEO? Let’s talk about it…

Jarrett Aldrich: “More than the salary of the President of the United States. Just for this ONE position.No, CPS is not crooked at all.”

Buford: “Geez! Boy did he take a cut in pay in comparison to what his predecessors got away with.”

John Gomez: “Good for him, great to see our Hispanic community lead the way.”

Alice C Aguilar: “What can we do about this? That’s a downright abuse of authority.”

Ray Magdaleno: “Well deserved, not many people know the hard work behind achieving this level of success and maintaining it. Easy to point fingers, hard to take accountability.”

Mark Cardona: “High rates to pay this crazy salary. Why, just why? Great job city leaders.”

Paul Hope Resendez: “And that is saying that is his starting salary. No telling how much it will cost us in the future when this 3 year contract runs out. Ridiculous! No where but San Antonio.”

Mike Mercado: “Blame all these ridiculous salaries on our liberal blue city council. San Antonio needs to turn city council red not just districts on the Northside; the whole city.”

Joe Linson: “Well deserved! Happy that we chose one of our own. There is never a need to do a “national search”! Cast your buckets where you are. Rudy Garza cares about the ratepayers and the bottom line!”

Aly Chris: “So is that why our energy bills went up by $200 a month the last few months?! I am OUTRAGED. What my family went through during the winter storm and they gave NO leeway on our bill. This is just so frustrating on all levels.”

Becky Mosley Gloria: “Well now I know where all the extra on my electric bill is going! “

Christy Arce: “WTH! That’s almost 56K a month! That’s what some make a year!”

Fred Garza : “San Antonio has no grid issues. The issues are with ERCOT. I understand that is a very fair salary for the position.”

Janet Haese Dawson Samples: “That’s why my bill is 600-700$ a month for a 1600 sq ft home!!”

Ryan Madrigal: “The dude was an energy engineer. He rose in the ranks. He’s not just some college pedigree body that was put in a position to run something he has no idea about. He earned his way to the top.”

Patrick Doc George: “What a friggin joke! That job isn’t worth that kind of money. They don’t seem to have done much in the way of infrastructure to prepare. All they do is send out more emails and text messages to tell you we may experience power outages. Like I said, CPS is a joke”

Gil Escamilla: “665K with no incentives or bonus pay”…they had to put that in there to prevent the mob with torches and pitchforks. I’ll reserve judgment until next year though, CPS and this new CEO have a lot of work to do to regain my confidence.”

Carolina Roberts: “Wow, wow, wow! no wonder our electricity bill doubled!”

Rocio Johnson: “So, is that why our bills have been so high? To be able to pay him? Hmmmm.”

Lisa L Garza: “That amount of money for someone who works for a public utility is outrageous. We should be paying for the energy we use, not for people’s vacation homes!”

Efton Geary: “Get a grip guys. CPS energy has some of the lowest rates if not the lowest rates in the country. No one in Texas pays lower than San Antonio. The fact that you think this is a lot of money for a CEO means you don’t get out much. You sound like a bunch of kindergartners. The average CEO salary of a utility company is $20 million. Just because you can’t fathom making that much money, don’t hate on other people who do.”

Mari Ro: “No wonder we are paying an arm/leg for utilities. I’m in the wrong career apparently.”

Regina Parks: “Compared to other utility companies, his salary is low. Wish him the best of luck.”

Tess DeFlori: “Outrageous salary! Our city council and Mayor are out of control! Let’s hope he doesn’t go and spend $648.00 dollars on dinner at Paesanos!”

Samuel Herrera: “I really appreciate this. It is time for a Chicano to get the same salary as a gringo.”

Austin Kinsey:”All of these comments are comical. A TON of C level executives make this much and are usually paid to lead companies in a better direction. I’m sure if any of you had the knowledge, skills, and abilities you would’ve taken the position and paid for it!”

Anthony Randazzo: “And the people doing the real work are struggling to pay their rent. What a joke of a society.”

Jaybird Noel: “How dare they give him that salary and the electricity goes out when the wind blows hard.”

Hector Chavira: “Damn! Does he need a driver?”

Clayton Smith: “They serve 1,280,000 homes and businesses. That’s about 4 cents per month per customer. His salary is not the reason why your bill is high.”

Joe Castaneda: “As far as CEO salaries goes, that’s not a lot. I mean it’s way more still than he should earn, but my previous company’s CEO made millions a year and did pretty much nothing.”

Paula Cooler: “Well that’s nice for him. Maybe he should celebrate by giving everyone with a CPS bill a $100 discount next month.”

Linda Carranza: “Fix the grids and then get paid $665k.”

Christopher Peterson: “CPS is a monopoly and needs to be replaced with some actual options. We need to fight them. We easily can, but most people don’t know how. Vote. March. Protest. Enough is enough. I can’t imagine anyone in this city except him that is fine with such a high salary.”

Ashley Daily Armstrong: “First we are fined for services we didn’t even receive during snowmageddon..and now the CEO is getting $660K a year!!”