Even with the vaccine, it is still recommended to wear a mask. The vaccine will help you to not get so sick but won’t prevent the spread of the virus. How do you feel about people walking in crowds without masks? Let’s talk about it..
Mike Miller: “Last report I saw stated 83% of the people who got Covid admitted to wearing a mask. The CDC stated no mask is necessary. Masks and everything in between. Top scientists have stated to Congress that the masks we wear will not stop the virus from getting in, but will help to stay in the body. Scientists have also stated that your normal breath can be detected 27.5 feet away; not 6 feet. I have no problem with people wearing masks when I go to a business that requires it. Other than that, I don’t wear one. Oh and now the CDC states children can social distance 3 feet for school. Let’s not forget the migrants being released with Covid to go all over the country and the CDC has said nothing, crickets. Facts matter.”
Maggie Mae: “I was at Home Depot, with my daughter. We still wear masks. Some random girl- with her non-mask wearing family, yelled at us to go home. We ignored them. I don’t care that they choose not to wear them. I don’t know why they care that we do. I respect everyone’s decision, it’s not my place to tell anyone what to do.”
Jerry Rowan: “I think they’re selfish. I was fully vaccinated and still wear a mask in crowds not for my protection but to make others feel safe. It’s common courtesy.”
Shawn Armstrong: “I don’t have an issue with it. I just got back from four days in Nashville and you wouldn’t know that anything was happening. Just at restaurants, they would like you to wear your mask to walk to your table. The bar is just wide open.”
Yvette Elizabeth: “Still wearing my mask fully vaccinated. I went to Vegas and pretty much everyone was wearing a mask.”
Andy Squire: “Doesn’t affect me one bit. Masks are a false sense of safety.”
Todd Forbes: “Yvette, I love our little talks! As for masks- I still wear mine but I have to keep reminding myself – “my mask” is to protect others, not myself. I still keep a simple distance from those I don’t know. I,too, went to Vegas and everyone was wearing masks except those smoking pot, so we all got contact high since the masks were holding in the smoke which again supports the fact that masks don’t keep it out. It just cuts down the spread.”
Jazmin Zuniga:”If you’re not wearing yours, why worry about those that do. It works both ways but I mostly read ugly comments coming from people that don’t wear it! It’s the Left/the Blue, the Puppets whatever insults people can think of, why insult? Just do what you think is best for you and stop the insults!”
Manuel Garza: “I stay away from those folks.”
Ernest Sánchez: “Scientists predict Mask will be worn, for at least another five years. Let’s get vaccinated!”
Mary Svetlic Watson: “I do it all the time. I wore a mask. My dad wore a mask. We got COVID and he died. The mask box says it won’t stop COVID. If you are immune compromised – wear a mask.”
Thomas Mc: “And reading all the comments I’m further convinced people don’t understand basic science.”
Oscar Garza:
“Not comfortable just yet.”
Rosie Benavides: ”I think they’re just comfortable and being ignorant and thinking that they have immunity and not aware that this is just a serious crime when it started. It’s just a small protection but not immunity! Not to say that it’s now attacking our adolescence!”
Jaime Castro: “Sorry to say it +but some seem to not care I guess they rather have on or like to have a ventilator or be in the hospital then wearing a mask just being selfish and irresponsible until it hits them.”
Cheryl Ford: “Masks no longer required in TX or FL and cases continue to decline. Hmmm …. maybe masks were never the answer.”
Lynn: “Why do you need the mask if you have the vaccine? Makes no sense or shows the vaccine isn’t much good.”
Bobby Perez: “So much complacency, the vaccine helps minimize the effect of Covid, it doesn’t prevent you from getting it and certainly doesn’t prevent you from spreading it. You still put people at risk. Ignorance knows no bounds.”